The origin

Gems have always caught people’s attention with their radiant beauty and mysterious magic. Us too!
Therefore, we spend much of our time tracking down these unique treasures and natural artwork. The search for high-quality gemstones often takes us to remote corners of the earth, not only when a significant new discovery is suddenly reported somewhere and a quick response is needed, but also to regularly visit the well-established discovery-areas, mines, and trading venues. These often challenging trips are required to get special on-site information and news. We also focus on maintaining already existing contacts as well as building new ones, deepening trust and consolidating these connections over years of cooperation. The inconvenience of traveling in partly inhospitable areas is compensated by unforgettable experiences and unique encounters with the local people. They hold in their hearts the same passion for these wonderful treasures of our Mother Earth as we do.

Sapphire 6,82 ct
Rubelite 25,52 ct
Star Sapphire 18,92 ct
Tanzanite 28,85 ct
Tsavorite 12,68 ct
Sapphire 8,88 ct
Tourmaline 18,86 ct
Kunzite 48,68 ct
Sapphire 6,82 ct
Rubelite 25,52 ct
Star Sapphire 18,92 ct
Tanzanite 28,85 ct
Tsavorite 12,68 ct
Sapphire 8,88 ct
Tourmaline 18,86 ct
Kunzite 48,68 ct

The processing

All acquired stones, whether raw or already grained, are personally examined and tested to decide their purposes. Raw pieces and crystals that have a unique character from their natural appearance are expertly cleaned and reserved for connoisseurs and designers who enjoy such special gemstones.
The other raw ones are sorted according to size, color, and purity, and then examined carefully, especially regarding their further treatment. We also check already polished stones to see if there are any minor flaws which can be remedied, or if there is a need for our hand-picked specialist to improve upon the polish. Every gemstone grinder has special areas and techniques as well as their own style and personal signature. Only the right interaction of artist and stone can create unique, polished gemstones and bring their inherent colors to full light.
Subsequently, the individual stones thus obtained are examined and evaluated again, so we can finally put together precisely balanced color sets and entire layouts for necklaces and bracelets.

Spessartite 62 gram
Tourmaline 181 gram
Aquamarine 862 gram
Emerald 225 gram
Tanzanite 208 gram
Morganite 1252 gram
Opal 1122 gram
Wolodarsk beryl 828 gram
Spessartite 62 gram
Tourmaline 181 gram
Aquamarine 862 gram
Emerald 225 gram
Tanzanite 208 gram
Morganite 1252 gram
Opal 1122 gram
Wolodarsk beryl 828 gram

The handover

The trade with gemstones is a matter of trust!
We are a family business with 30 years of experience. We enjoy the best reputation of absolute reliability among our business partners as well as customers.
We strive for long-term and stable business relationships. To ensure fair and good payments and prices, we don’t have any middlemen, which keeps our expenses low. Handshake quality and discretion are essential foundations of our business.

CO-Gems stands for CO-operation in matters of gemstones.

Get in touch

CHRISTOPH OELLINGER - European Gemmologist

Breiteneich 73
3580 Horn

AUT +43 69917788885
THAI +66 8 5121 7554

Import and wholesale of precious stones

We look forward to hearing from you - regardless of whether you want to purchase precious stones or sell them. Likewise, we are always glad to get in touch with new gemstone cutters. Please contact us with your ideas about a possible cooperation.

Our active network

European Gemmologist Christoph Oellinger